Attached Services

District Nurse Clinics

home_visitAs it is not always possible to get an appointment at the District Nurse clinic, there are 2 alternatives:

Patients who are mobile can attend the treatment room at the Widnes Health Care Resource Centre in Moor Lane, Widnes (near MacDonalds). Opening times are 09:00 - 16:00 daily, including weekends.

There is also a treatment room in Collier Street, Runcorn, (just under the bridge). At present, their opening times are more restricted.

To arrange an appointment, please ‘phone (freephone) 0800 953 0960


These clinics are run by the midwives. If you become pregnant, you will be given a ‘booking appointment’ at which the midwife will ask you a few questions and carry out some general health checks. You will be seen regularly throughout your pregnancy, either at the practice or at the local hospital, or both.


Our Parentcraft classes will be held at Brookvale Children's Centre, Woodhatch Road, Runcorn, from 13:00 - 15:00 .

Child health, Wednesday 09:30 - 11:00 All new babies are invited for regular check-ups from eight weeks old.

Immunisations, Thursday 10:00 - 12:00

Children's immunisation clinics are held on a Thursday morning, by appointment only. If you are unable to come at this time ask our reception staff to make an appointment with one of our practice nurses.

Please call to make an appointment, if these dates are not suitable then a seperate appointment can be made on request.

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