The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) is a new law that determines how your personal data is processed and kept safe, and the legal rights that you have in relation to your own data.
The regulation applies from 25th May 2018, and will apply even after the UK leaves the EU.
What GDPR means for patients:
The GDPR sets out the key principles about processing personal data for patients:
- Data must be processed lawfully, fairly and transparently
- It must be collected for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes
- It must be limited to what is necessary for the purposes for which it is processed
- Information must be accurate and kept up to date
- Data must be stored securely
- It can be retained for as long as is necessary for the reasons it was collected
There are also stronger rights for patients regarding the information that practices hold about them. These include:
- Being informed about how their data is used
- Patients to have access to their own data
- Patients can ask to have incorrect information changed
- Restrict how their data is used
- Move their patient data from one health organisation to another
- The right to object to their patient information being processed (in certain circumstances)
For further information relating to how we process patient data, please click on the link below:
GP Privcay Notice
RE: COVID-19: Increased Patient Information for health and care professionals.
To help the NHS to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, NHSX and NHS Digital are improving the access that doctors, nurses and authorised health and care professionals have to medical records and information. This will help them to more safely treat and advise patients who are not attending their usual GP practice, who have called NHS 111, or who are receiving care in another setting.
GP Connect Data Sharing of patient records has been enabled at a national level. This means that a clinician will be able to view the patient’s record via GP Connect if they have access to a GP Connect enabled clinical system. They will need to have a legitimate relationship with the patient i.e. they are registered, referred or self-referred to the service. This is a HTML view so no data is able to be saved or edited and a full audit of who access what, is possible. This also means that practices will be able to see the GP record of patients registered as temporary residents through the computer system. Further information is available on our supplementary Privacy Notice.
Privacy Notice COVID-19 Update
Accurx text messaging service
Accurx information leaflet
Accurx Privacy Policy
Accurx GDPR
Accurx data processing agreement